Announcement Regarding the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language LSL Registry
The AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language has transitioned its certification and renewal process online to the LSL Registry. The LSL Registry IS a digital platform for certification-related activities. It is NOT public-facing and does not replace the current Listening and Spoken Language Specialist® (LSLS) Directory. The Locate a LSLS Directory remains the only public-facing directory that can be accessed by anyone seeking a certified LSL Specialist (LSLS Cert. AVT® or LSLS Cert AVEd®).
We recognize that going online and using the LSL Registry is a large shift in the certification procedure. We hope the following information will help answer questions and provide direction on enrolling (as a professional who is seeking certification or registering as an already certified LSL professional) in the LSL Registry. If you still have concerns, please reach out to
For Professionals Seeking Certification: Two Major Steps
Step 1: Complete an application of enrollment to the LSL Registry
Step 2: Once your application of enrollment is accepted, document your certification process as you go
What is the basic information you need to know about the LSL Registry?
All professionals who are just beginning the process towards certification as a LSLS Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist® (LSLS Cert. AVT) or LSLS Certified Auditory-Verbal Educator® (LSLS Cert. AVEd) must first apply for enrollment in the LSL Registry before engaging in any certification-related activities. The Academy encouraged anyone who is already in the process of seeking certification to be enrolled in the Registry by January 31, 2022, but is taking enrollees at any time. Enrollment in the Registry allows those professionals to receive quick updates about certification and related activities. Once approved for enrollment in the Registry, a professional is eligible to take the certification exam. In other words, a professional must be enrolled in order to take the exam and can take the exam at any time during their certification process.
How will the LSL Registry be helpful to you and to the Academy?
The LSL Registry allows all professionals seeking certification to upload their certification materials and track their progress in real time. The uploading of your documents over time will ease the paperwork burden on you. The LSL Registry will be a place to upload and track certification documents over the three-to-five year certification period, however professionals seeking certification will be able to take the certification exam at any time within the three-to-five year period without waiting for all documents to be completed, submitted, and approved. Applying for the LSL Registry also allows the Academy to quickly review education background and mentor requirements so that any issues or concerns can be addressed at the beginning of the certification process.
How do you enroll in the Registry?
Full details on the costs, process, and materials required for application to the LSL Registry are available at
Once enrolled in the Registry, that professional continues to be enrolled as long as that professional is making progress towards certification, is currently certified (and has paid the annual renewal fee), is withdrawn by the Academy due to an ethical violation or withdraws upon the professional’s own request for any reason, including retirement.
For Certified LSL Specialists Renewing Certification
What is the basic information you need to know about the LSL Registry?
Effective January 31, 2022-All certification renewals should be done within the LSL Registry and should be renewed on an annual basis during the month that each professional’s biennial certification has been due. The annual renewal fee is $125. The continuing education requirement of 15 hours every two years remains the same and is due at the time of renewal of certification. Each professional will receive an email reminder from the Academy approximately 30 days before the renewal date. Each professional’s renewal date is also listed on their current certificate. Have Questions? email (English) or (Spanish)
How will the LSL Registry be helpful to you and to the Academy?
The LSL Registry allows centralized data management of all certification activities, including renewal. The Academy can more effectively support all certified LSL Specialists when the renewal and continuing education documents are submitted digitally. The Academy can also more effectively communicate with certified LSL Specialists regarding certification activities.
How do you enroll in the Registry?
There is an LSL Registry enrollment application for professionals who have not yet become certified. The enrollment application is for the purpose of ensuring that a professional meets certain certification requirements (e.g. the degree requirement) at the beginning of their certification journey.
Professionals who have already achieved the LSLS Cert. AVT® or LSLS Cert. AVEd® certification have already met initial certification requirements. For this reason, certified professionals do not need to enroll in the Registry, but, instead, are asked to complete and update information in the Registry at the time of certification renewal. One of the advantages of the Registry is that any professional may complete and update their professional profile at any time. Keeping an updated profile allows the Academy and others (e.g. potential clients/families/employers/mentees) to have current information about you. With your approval, that information can be shared with the public-facing Locate a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist Directory.
If you need to contact the Academy, please email (English) or (Spanish)